Breathing new life into primary care: Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce: Scope of Practice Review Final Report released

Allied Health Professions Australia welcomes the recommendations of the Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce: Scope of Practice Review Final Report as a pathway to embedding multidisciplinary team care into Australia’s health system.  

AHPA engaged extensively throughout the review, making several submissions and consultations at various stages of the process, and we are pleased to see the report outline recommendations to remove outdated barriers, harmonise regulations, and introduce innovative training and funding models that will bolster the effectiveness of allied health professionals within multidisciplinary healthcare teams. 

AHPA CEO Bronwyn Morris Donovan highlighted the importance of these reforms in improving access to care and supporting integrated health solutions “We welcome the report recommendations. Embedding multidisciplinary team care into the health system will facilitate accessible individualised care that puts the consumer at the centre.” 

Key recommendations to empower allied health 

The report proposes 18 high-level recommendations across four themes: 

  • Workforce design, development, education and planning 
  • Legislation and regulation 
  • Funding and payment policy 
  • Enablers and other key considerations 

Several of the recommendations have significant positive impact on allied health. 

AHPA are especially pleased to see Recommendation 8 focused on strengthening and standardising the regulatory model for health professions currently operating outside of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). As many allied health professions are outside of NRAS, it is critical to address the interprofessional and legislative barriers this creates.

Morris-Donovan says “AHPA encourages changes to regulation that support allied health professionals outside of NRAS to work at the top of their professional scope. Increasing interdisciplinary trust and understanding is critical both for wider allied health practice and improving consumer health outcomes.” 

We are also particularly pleased to see allied health recognised as a priority sector for the implementation of new referral pathways under  Recommendation 12. “AHPA have long advocated for allied health to be able to make appropriate direct referrals within their scope. Direct referrals will not only increase health system efficiency, but also significantly decrease consumer cost and time burdens.” 

AHPA is also optimistic about Recommendation 13 and the recognition that a sector-wide commitment to reform is key to success.  We have consistently advocated for systemic cultural change that improves interdisciplinary trust and understanding. Morris Donovan says “The breaking down of professional silos and development of an intrinsically collaborative approach to healthcare is not accomplished in isolation, or within set timeframes.” 

Allied health professionals make an enormous difference to the Australian healthcare system, and these recommendations will allow them to expand their contributions even further.  

AHPA look forward to meaningful and productive engagement with the implementation of these recommendations and urge the government to prioritse breathing new life into the primary health system.  

CEO Bronwyn Morris-Donovan is available for comment.

Please direct media inquiries to Suzie Medhurst at 0448958682

Joint media release: Disability sector organisations raise the alarm on NDIS market failure

AHPA has joined forces with National Disability Services The CEO Collab, Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) calling on the Australian Government and the National Disability Insurance Agency to take urgent and immediate action to ensure services for people with disability can continue, as evidence mounts of a catastrophic market failure in the NDIS.

Media Release

12 July 2024

Disability sector organisations raise the alarm on NDIS market failure

An alliance of peak bodies and organisations across Australia representing all parts of the disability services sector is calling on the NDIA and government to take urgent and immediate action to ensure services for people with disability can continue, as evidence mounts of a catastrophic market failure in the NDIS.

Withdrawal of services will most affect participants who have the greatest need for supports – those with complex, high-intensity or behavioural support needs and those in regional and remote Australia.

Following the recent announcement of a totally inadequate Annual Pricing Review by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), provider representative organisations are raising the alarm that providers of quality and responsive disability services are already reaching breaking point.

Since the pricing announcement an increasing number of providers are saying that they will not be able to continue providing supports to people with disability.

The wellbeing and safety of people with disabilities must come first but inadequate funding for quality services is putting this at risk.

Quality providers are committed to ensuring services remain available to people with disabilities but can no longer afford to subsidise the costs. Financial reserves, often built up over decades with the support of local communities, are dwindling as providers struggle to make ends meet. The NDIA’s approach to pricing is undermining the ability of registered providers to deliver quality, sustainable disability services and is undermining NDIS reform.

The organisations called for immediate steps to address the crisis in the disability service sector, including:

  • Increase prices for support coordination (level 2 and 3) and therapy at least in line with wage increases in the Disability Support Worker Cost Model
  • Reinstate high intensity payments for behaviour support
  • Implement a loading for all registered providers of at least 1 per cent

These first steps are essential to getting the NDIS on the pathway towards a financially sustainable model of service provision.

Statements attributable to supporting organisations:

  • National Disability Services (NDS) CEO Laurie Leigh said “We knew the impact of the Annual Pricing Review would hit the sector hard, but the feedback we’ve received from providers shows that it’s been catastrophic. NDS has been overwhelmed with providers saying they are reconsidering their future in the sector.”
  • Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) CEO Mr Jess Harper said “The NDIA’s Pricing decision is simply indefensible. Keeping price limits fixed for half a decade despite inflation, award wage increases, and operating cost pressures is irresponsible and reckless. This pricing decision has already resulted in the closures of safe, quality, and skilled service providers.”
  • Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) CEO Bronwyn Morris-Donovan said “We know that our speech pathologists, occupational therapists and many other types of allied health professionals are deeply committed to supporting NDIS participants to live the best lives they possibly can – to the extent of personally absorbing some of the costs the NDIS refuses to pay for and the increased expenses due to the cost of living. But after five years of not even so much as indexation of therapy support pricing against inflation, our sector has reached breaking point.”
  • The CEO Collab is extremely concerned by the recent Annual Price Review, seeing this as a major loss for participants and registered providers, and forcing many reputable providers to cease services. We call for the reinstatement of the high intensity payment for participants with complex behaviour and the 1% temporary loading.

For AHPA media enquiries please contact Suzie Medhurst 0448 958 682



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Anita Hobson-Powell appointed as Chief Allied Health Officer for the Department of Health and Aged Care

Today the Hon Mark Butler MP  the appointment of Anita Hobson-Powell as the new Chief Allied Health Officer for the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Anita has been instrumental in the allied health sector and holds a longstanding affiliation with AHPA. Anita brings deep industry experience and a strong understanding of regulation to role.

We very much look forward to working with Anita in her new capacity as CAHO and congratulate her on this appointment.

You can read the Department’s media release here.