Advocacy priorities

Despite having key roles in areas of reform such as the NDIS, aged care, primary care and preventive health, and rural health, there has been limited consultation with the allied health sector on these issues.

More proactive consultation of the allied health sector on health reviews and reforms, new models of care and policy development, and workforce development would maximise the effects of such reforms, and provide the community with greater access to multidisciplinary care. Key areas for AHPA advocacy are described below.

Primary care

Allied health professionals play an important role and need to be integral in primary care settings.

Aged Care

Allied health professions support older people to maintain and improve their health and independence.

Digital health

Allied health need to share critical clinical information within the digital ecosystem.


Accessible and affordable allied health is an important source of support for many Australian's with disability.

Workforce data and development

Accurate allied health workforce data is critical to good policy development and workforce planning.