
Allied health providers are an important source of support for many Australians with disability.

However, many people still have difficulty accessing allied health disability services and significant work is needed to address workforce issues that impact access to service.

Secure the Future: 4 a Better NDIS Campaign

AHPA  is joining peak bodies and organisations across Australia, including Disability Intermediaries and National Disability Services to call on the National Disability Insurance Agency and government to take urgent action to secure the future of services for people with disability and create a better NDIS.

Together, we’ve created the website 4abetterNDIS.com.au, where people concerned about the future of disability services can take action, have their say and send a letter to the federal government and their local MP asking for a commitment to addressing the current crisis in funding for disability services.

More information about the impact of this issue on allied health can be found here.


AHPA makes a number of submissions related to disability. You can read all of these submissions here.