AHPRA Data strategy feedback submission

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) asked for public feedback on their draft Data strategy. The Data strategy will guide how they use the data that they collect and hold. Ahpra invited responses to specific questions about the future use of the data they collect and hold and general comments on the draft Data strategy.

Their questions focus on the future directions in three key areas:

  • the public register of health practitioners
  • data sharing, and
  • advanced analytics.

​In our submission, AHPA deferred to submissions made by Allied Health member bodies on issues relating to the public register, focussing our responses on Ahpra’s data-sharing strategy.

AHPA argued, with respect to the data strategy, that it would be improved by more detail regarding the processes Ahpra will implement to improve access to their data. We also encouraged Ahpra to engage with organisations such as the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer, AHPA and the Australian Digital Health Agency to enhance the utility of Allied Health data gathered by other organisations.
