AHPA provided a submission to the Department of Social Services Consultation on Draft Lists of NDIS Supports. Our submission explains that AHPA does not support the draft lists of NDIS supports.
While we understand that these lists are intended as a transitional measure until co-design with participants can occur, there are several fundamental flaws in both the strategy of compiling lists and the lists’ content that, in our view, make this approach even less desirable, even as an interim measure, than using the existing process as an interim measure until the relevant rules are made.
Our submission details these issues, and endorses the submissions from our members Occupational Therapy Australia, the Australian Physiotherapy Association, Exercise & Sports Science Australia, the Australian Music Therapy Association and Speech Pathology Australia concerning various examples of inappropriate classification of various supports as ‘Supports that are not NDIS supports,’ or as items to be carved out from broader categories deemed to be NDIS supports.
Read the submission below.