This is AHPA’s second submission, the first is available here:
This submission details that although the amendments made to the Bill in the House of Representatives address some of the problems we previously identified, we have significant remaining concerns about several aspects, including:
- Over-reliance on delegated legislation and discretionary Ministerial powers
- That a would-be participant would have to satisfy either the disability requirements of (existing) section 24 or the early intervention requirements of (existing) section 25, or both.
- The Bill’s failure to assess and fund participants at a ‘whole of person’ level.
- The extent of the power that the Bill provides for regarding NDIA requests for information from a participant.
- The proposed new powers allowing the NDIA to impose various conditions on how a participant obtains supports and spends flexible funding, or to override a participant’s plan management request, are too broad.
Read the full submission below.