When we think of housekeeping, we think vacuuming, mopping, dusting and polishing surfaces. Workplace housekeeping is well beyond this and is a mandatory factor in workplace safety.
Ensuring your workplace incorporates housekeeping into everyday life can prevent injuries, improve productivity and morale, minimise risk of potential fines and challenges of non-compliance and makes a really good first impression on any visitors to your business.
It is everyone’s responsibility to incorporate housekeeping and by implementing detailed safety programs and demonstrating management’s commitment, it will quickly become second nature to all.
Hazards vary from office buildings, warehouses, factories, and manufacturing plants and can include, slips tips and falls, fire hazards, falling objects and clutter, just to name a few! Let’s explore these in more detail:
From tripping over an electrical cord, to slipping on a wet surface, to falling downstairs, slips trips and falls can be minor, but can also end in a serious injury.
Tips for the prevention of slips, trips and falls may include:
From toast getting caught in the toaster to chemicals or materials catching light, fires can be toxic, dangerous and deadly. Ensure you have the right safety equipment at hand such as fire blankets, extinguishers and working fire alarms.
Tips to reduce your risks include:
From coffee cups falling off the edge of a desk, to large objects falling from a height, falling objects can stub a toe or potentially badly maim or injure someone.
Take precautions such as:
Apart from giving a poor impression about your workplace, clutter can cause a risk to safety as well.
Every worker has a responsibility to participate in workplace housekeeping by keeping their work areas tidy, storing materials appropriately, cleaning any spills that may occur and reporting any safety hazards immediately.
Download our Safety Checklist to see if your business is up to date.
If you require advice or assistance with understanding your obligations in relation to workplace housekeeping and safety in the workplace, or should you require support regarding any HR matter, please contact the team at HR Advice Online at advice@hradviceonline.com.au or on 1300 720 004.
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Information in HR Advice Online guides and blog posts is meant purely for educational discussion of human resources issues. It contains only general information about human resources matters and due to factors, such as government legislation changes, may not be up to date at the time of reading. It is not legal advice and should not be treated as such.