Australian Ageing Agenda opinion piece: Aged care reforms must embrace allied health

Published 31 October 2022

AHPA Manager, Policy & Advocacy, Dr Chris Atmore wrote this opinion piece for Australian Ageing Agenda in its September/October magazine.

Aged care reforms must embrace allied health

By Dr Chris Atmore

THE LABOR Government hit the ground running with the passing of the Australian National Aged Care Classification legislation and introduction of care reform provisions requiring residential care providers to ensure a registered nurse is always on duty onsite.

Government has also committed to introducing mandatory minimum residential aged care benchmarks of nursing and personal care minutes, with associated public reporting by October 2024.

From an allied health perspective, however, not much has changed.

There is no proposal for a minimum allied health benchmark, and no real
onus on providers to spend any AN-ACC funding on these services.
The department insists that allied health needs will be sufficiently met, and simply refers to the AN-ACC and providers’ obligations under the Aged Care Act and Aged Care Quality Standards.

Read the full article by clicking on this link:  Dr Chris Atmore’s opinion piece in Australian Ageing Agenda