Allied Health Professions Day – together we can fix our health system

Published 13 October 2022

Allied Health Professions Day – Friday 14.10.22

Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is proud to support the allied health workforce and on Allied Health Professions Day, calls for greater recognition of the value and contribution of the allied health workforce in the care and management of Australians.

AHPs Day is a day for allied health professionals to shine – to celebrate, and be celebrated, and share how they work, care, connect and inspire.

“Despite the expertise the allied health sector offers, its contribution is often overlooked. This is exemplified in the residential aged care sector, where the new funding model does not even mandate a minimum amount of allied health services. Instead, aged care providers will decide how much of their funding to allocate to allied health provision. Despite dedicated advocacy, this and many other funding barriers will persist until the sector is more highly valued,” said Bronwyn Morris-Donovan, CEO, Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA).

“Supporting and sustaining the allied health workforce is fundamental to ensuring we build a health system where multidisciplinary health care is accessible and cost effective,” said Bronwyn Morris-Donovan.”

Allied health includes a diverse range of qualified professionals working across different sectors, settings and areas of practice. They work with people from all walks of life, making a difference that is often poorly captured or recognised. In Australia, allied health professionals make up almost a third of the workforce in the health sector, working alongside doctors and nurses to assess, diagnose, prevent and manage a range of health conditions. By delivering evidence-based practice as part of multidisciplinary care teams, they support excellence in clinical care and improved health outcomes.  It’s estimated that the allied health sector delivers 200+ million services each year to the Australian community.

We invite health professionals, colleagues, clients and patients to highlight the important work of allied health professionals and connect with peers from around the world.

Allied Health Professions Day will be marked on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook by downloading our digital kit full of sharable content from our website; or sharing their story or photo using the hashtags #AHPsDay2022, #strongertogether and #alliedhealth.