ICECAP Policy Symposium

Published 20 September 2021

The AHPA Policy Symposium will be held this October for Member CEO’s and Senior Policy Officers.  This symposium will focus on developing models of care that encompass: Innovation, Collaboration, Equity, Connection, Access and Prevention (ICECAP).

We look forward to virtually hosting a productive day with engaging speakers and panel discussion.  Featured speakers to include Anne-Marie Boxall, Ben Harris, Stephen Mason, Gabrielle O’Kane, David Cullen and Faye McMillan.

Key benefits of AHPA symposiums include:

  • Gaining intelligence on key policy issues both collectively and as individual associations
  • Gaining access to key influencers in the policy space
  • Developing a plan for future collective action in the policy area
  • Networking opportunity for association leaders and policy staff.

If your allied health organisation is considering an AHPA membership in order to be involved in these events, please see our membership tab, or contact us.