About AHPA

Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is the national voice for allied health professions. AHPA provides national policy and advocacy leadership to optimise the role of allied health professionals in the Australian healthcare system.

Australia’s 300,000+ allied health professionals represent more than a quarter of the health workforce and deliver an estimated 200 million health services annually.


AHPA represents and advocates for the role of allied health professionals in health, aged care, disability, education and all systems where allied health services have a role.

AHPA provides national leadership that shapes and supports the contribution made by allied health professionals to health and wellbeing. As the peak organisation, AHPA has an important strategic leadership function and provides the Federal Government and other national organisations with advice when they seek a collective policy position on allied health.


Our work

Our Year in Review 2023 presents AHPA’s activities and achievements in key work areas during the 2023 calendar year. You can find out more about our ongoing work in Advocacy and Projects.

AHPA’s monthly newsletter, the AHPA Insider details everything you need to know about what’s happening in the allied health sector. From policy and advocacy, to events and other news, the AHPA Insider is your best source for everything allied health.