Allied Health Digital Transformation Survey Report

The 2024 Allied Health Digital Transformation Survey Report is now available. 

A collaboration between AHPA and the Australian Digital Health Agency, the survey sought to understand allied health professionals’ current awareness, use and readiness to use the Agency’s key digital products: 

  • Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™)

  • My Health Record

  • Electronic prescribing.

With a total of 2,419 participants from 36 allied health professions (AHPs), this is the largest and most diverse cohort to respond to a national survey focused on Australian AHPs and their use of digital products. 

The report: 

  • summarises key findings across the sector

  • presents results by professional discipline where relevant

  • makes key recommendations regarding next steps to assist the digital uplift of the allied health sector

  • identifies topics requiring further exploration.

Key recommendations include: 

  • A sector wide education campaign tailored to the unique and diverse demographic characteristics ofthe AHP workforce

  • Interoperable digital products fit for purpose to the allied health workforce

  • Expansion of the type of information AHPs can author in My Health Record

  • Terminology datasets to enable sharing of allied health clinical information within an interoperable digital ecosystem.