Submission to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024
This is our first submission, the second is available here.
This submission demonstrates that while we appreciate the intent of many of the proposed reforms, eg: the proposed change to the basis for setting a budget to a ‘whole-of-person’ level rather than via individual support items, we have some significant concerns about the Bill as it is presently drafted.
These concerns include but are not limited to the following:
A history of NDIA and Government failures to meaningfully collaborate with the allied health sector on matters that affect our professionals.
The Bill leaves many significant matters to yet-to-be-drafted delegated legislation and Ministerial discretion.
Clauses in the Bill that AHPA assert are problematic enough to require comment, including collaboration theme and, issues of insufficient accountability and transparency.
Download Submission 1.