
An osteopath has a clinical focus on the way the body works, in strains or injuries and in human movement. They provide direct manual therapy interventions including exercise prescription, needling, education and associated lifestyle advice to improve movement, reduce pain and manage and/or treat a range of physical impairments.

Where do osteopaths practise?

Osteopaths mainly work in private practices but also work in a range of health settings including multidisciplinary medical/health clinics, rehabilitation clinics, aged care facilities, professional sports clubs, government, chronic pain management settings and research institutes.

When should I see an osteopath?

There are a wide range of reasons to see an osteopath such as a muscular issue which impacts on the person’s ability to manage day-to-day activities. Some typical conditions include:

  • For assessment/management of a neuro-muscloskeletal injury or impairment and its functional impacts; or explore risk of possible injury based upon movement styles adopted

  • To examine the biomechanical, neural and/or musculoskeletal implications associated with a non-neural or musculoskeletal impairment

  • For advice on posture, positioning, improving body alignment, physical strength and/or conditioning

  • Developmental and milestone checks in children, including orthopaedic and motor control assessment

  • Strengthening the structure of women’s bodies pre/post child birth

  • Functional capacity assessment of injured workers for return to work planning.

What services do osteopaths provide?

Osteopaths are eligible and accepted practitioners in all workers compensation injury management schemes; transport accident schemes; most private health insurance; Department of Veterans’ Affairs and in Medicare’s Chronic Disease Management Program (CDM).

How are osteopaths qualified?

In order to practice, an osteopath must complete the following:

  • A double Bachelor Degree or Bachelor/Masters Program.

  • National registration under the Osteopathy Board of Australia, Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Authority (AHPRA).

  • Continuing professional development.

Further Information

For more detailed information about osteopathy, please visit the Osteopathy Australia website or the Osteopathy Board of Australia website.

Find a practitioner

Osteopathy Australia has a Find an Osteopath service to help you find a practitioner.