Osteopathy Australia


Address: 4/11 Railway St, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Postal Address: PO Box 5044, Chatswood, NSW 1515
Phone: 02 9410 0099
Email: info@osteopathy.org.au
Website: www.osteopathy.org.au/



Osteopathy Australia is the peak body representing the interests of osteopaths, osteopathy students, osteopathy as a profession and the accessibility of osteopathic services for Australian consumers. 85% of registered osteopaths are members of Osteopathy Australia and they work across all states and territories.

Vision & Mission

The Osteopathy Australia vision is that the osteopaths role in primary health and multidisciplinary care is recognised and osteopathy will continue to develop and strengthen as the manual healthcare of choice for all Australians. Osteopathy Australia strives to be the provider of choice for professional development with core practice standards as a platform for an osteopath’s professional journey and increasing diverse career opportunities.

Osteopathy Australia strives to enhance and promote the profession of osteopathy.


Osteopathy Australia works to gain professional rights and recognition for osteopaths in Australia through advocacy and political lobbying. The organisation undertakes a wide range of activities in support of its members and the accessibility of osteopathic services in Australia.

Regulation / Accreditation

Osteopathy is nationally regulated by the Osteopathy Board of Australia for the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. Osteopaths are required, by law, to maintain ongoing professional development and education every year to stay in practice.

Osteopathy is covered by most private health funds and by Medicare’s Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plans. Osteopaths are registered providers for DVA patients, as well as by workers’ compensation schemes and motor accident insurers.