Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) and its members regularly develop resources and guidance to help allied health practitioners in their work and to support their ongoing education and professional development.
AHPA may also occasionally share resources developed by other organisations. The resources available through AHPA are intended to be multidisciplinary in nature and reflect the organisation’s broad focus. If you are seeking resources for a specific profession, please visit the homepage of your professional association. We ask that you do not host or reproduce these resources without express permission from AHPA or the original content developer.
AHPA Allied Health NDIS Registration Support Website
The website has been designed to help allied health professionals navigate the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Registration requirements and processes.
The website has been designed for businesses delivering allied health services to NDIS participants. The website helps you:
Decide if you want and/or need to become a registered NDIS provider
Determine which modules you need to become compliant with to register
Prepare the documentation required for registration
Implement systems which will improve your business practices & maintain registration over time.
Resources are aimed at businesses providing allied health services with 1-6 staff.
Many of the resources provided will be useful for larger businesses but it is anticipated larger businesses will need additional resources related to running larger organisations – particularly in the Governance and Operational Management Standard.
ClinEdAus aims to support high quality clinical placement experiences for allied health students and supervisors through the provision of open access, contemporary evidence-based clinical education resources that support clinical education across all allied health professions.
AHPA Online Learning: Introduction to the NDIS for allied health professionals
We are pleased to announce that we are re-launching our online learning module, ‘Introduction to the NDIS for allied health professionals’ having updated and refreshed the content.
Hosted on the Australian Psychological Society’s online learning platform, this course is suitable for students and graduates, and all AHPs new to working within the framework of the NDIS. The course provides an overview and familiarisation of the scheme, the NDIS website and the areas of relevancy to AHPs.
Professionals who are a member of an AHPA Member Organisation can access the training at a discounted registration ($55), please contact your Member organisation for details.
Webinar Series with Australian Digital Health Agency
AHPA partnered with Australian Digital Health Agency for a set of interactive sessions and panel discussions focusing on how digital health tools, such as My Health Record, can support enhanced models of person-centred care.
Recordings and registrations available below:
Webinar 1: Benefits of My Health Record in Aged Care This webinar explores the potential benefits of My Health Record for the ageing population to help understand the context for the Royal Commission’s recommendations for its use within the aged care sector.
This webinar explores the potential benefits of My Health Record, focusing on how digital health tools, such as My Health Record, can support enhanced models of person-centred care.
Learn how having access to key health information can contribute to the safer use of medicines, better decision support for Allied Health and improved transition of care for a resident. This webinar will provide an opportunity for Health care professionals working in the aged care sector to better understand how My Health record can be used to improve care outcomes.
Traditionally healthcare providers have used fax and email to share patient and clinical information, however these mediums have little to no security measures. Secure messaging ensures better protection of patient information through enhanced security measures and can save both you and your referrers valuable time. This webinar will cover how to use secure messaging in your allied health practice and an overview of the Service Registration Assistant. Finally, the webinar will conclude with a panel discussion where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
26 April 2021 • Digital health
Webinar Series with Australian Digital Health Agency
AHPA partnered with Australian Digital Health Agency for a set of interactive sessions and panel discussions focusing on how digital health tools, such as My Health Record, can support enhanced models of person-centred care.
This webinar explores the potential benefits of My Health Record for the ageing population to help understand the context for the Royal Commission’s recommendations for its use within the aged care sector.
This webinar explores the potential benefits of My Health Record, focusing on how digital health tools, such as My Health Record, can support enhanced models of person-centred care.
Learn how having access to key health information can contribute to the safer use of medicines, better decision support for Allied Health and improved transition of care for a resident. This webinar will provide an opportunity for Health care professionals working in the aged care sector to better understand how My Health record can be used to improve care outcomes.
Traditionally healthcare providers have used fax and email to share patient and clinical information, however these mediums have little to no security measures. Secure messaging ensures better protection of patient information through enhanced security measures and can save both you and your referrers valuable time. This webinar will cover how to use secure messaging in your allied health practice and an overview of the Service Registration Assistant. Finally, the webinar will conclude with a panel discussion where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
19 February 2021 • Rehabilitative care
Rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19
The World Health Organization has developed a 7-module course on rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 as part of its free training series on Clinical Management of COVID-19.
Modules address the varied rehab needs of COVID-19 patients including cognitive impairment, physical deconditioning, respiratory impairment, swallow impairment, communication impairment and challenges in completing activities of daily living. Techniques for rehabilitation also are addressed. Each module lasts 20-30 minutes.
AHPA has developed a series of connection guides for allied health professionals seeking to engage with digital platforms.
These guides provide practical advice that addresses issues specific to allied health professionals. The guides for connecting with My Health Record include information on how to connect via conformant software and via the National Provider Portal.
AHPA has created toolkits to help allied health professions understand and interact with digital health platforms such as My Health Record and secure messaging. This is part of AHPA’s ongoing work to support allied health professions to engage with digital health.
Healthcare organisations participating in the My Health Record system are required to have policies in place that ensure the system is used safely and responsibly.
These policy templates will help allied health practices prepare appropriate digital health policies and ensure their compliance with My Health Record requirements.
AHPA and its members supported the development of infection prevention and control guidance for allied health practices by the Department of Health. Separate groups of professional associations contributed to reports and checklists to guide allied health practitioners and reduce virus transmission rates while working in the context of COVID-19.