AHPA prepared a submission to NDIS Annual Pricing Review 2022-2023 Consultation.
We have significant concerns regarding the financial and business impacts upon providers of allied health therapy supports as a result of stagnant pricing limits for the past four years. In combination with rising business costs and inflation, and the aftermath of the pandemic, therapy providers are reporting significant business stress.
We argued the impact of an overstretched therapy workforce upon thin markets is not being addressed by the Agency and presented data showing how this is affecting participants’ utilisation of their funds.
We also raised the issue that in 2017, the Productivity Commission stated that setting prices “should be evidence-based, with the collection of data and public reporting on providers’ characteristics and costs”. Currently, there is a dearth of available information regarding therapy providers and the allied health workforce. AHPA again raised the need for the Agency to consult with the therapy sector regarding their characteristics and needs, and investigate its own payment data, prior to asking the sector for information that the Agency already has.
You can read our submission below.