Please note: AHPA is about to commence a review of membership categories to ensure membership remains reflective and responsive to the dynamic allied health sector. This review is likely to impact the affiliate membership category.
To enable enough time to undertake this review, AHPA will pause admission of all new affiliate members. Ordinary membership remains open to appropriate applicants.
We appreciate the impact this temporary hold may have on organisations, and will continue to update our website as the review progresses.
Allied Health Professions Australia’s membership consists of associations that represent a specific allied health profession (Ordinary Members) or associations that represent either a modality of practice involving allied health, emerging professions which are working towards recognition or groups which are otherwise aligned with allied health (Affiliates). Embracing an evidence-based paradigm for practice is a shared value.
AHPA member associations perform a range of roles for their own memberships, including certification or accreditation, supporting ongoing professional development, developing professional standards, supporting research and advocating on behalf of individual members and their broader profession.
AHPA strongly encourages individuals to join the peak body for their specific profession, as membership provides access to resources and leadership that enhance and support professional careers. For more information about each member association, please follow the links below.
* Please note: AHPA membership is not open to individuals or ‘for profit’ entities.